Thursday, June 21, 2012

Headed to England

We started out early in Logan catching the Salt Lake Express bus at Shaffer Bakery. The bakery was kind enough to give us doughnuts for the bus ride.

what would they ever do with out technology

All plugged in
Our first flight was around 3 hours long from SLC to Atlanta Georigia with a 2 hour lay over in Atlanta.  We boarded the plane to England on time and was out on the runway when one of the fuel pump sensor was not working so we had to go back to the gate. Luckily it was a easy fix but made us behind by 1 1/2 hours. 
All the boys did really good during the flights, but did not sleep to much.

Hunter & Gavin

Zak, Chase, Lesa and Dan

Caden & Hunter fast asleep

Larry & Alex

Chad, Sharon & Matthew

Larry & Alex
I think I scared them

Larry, Alex & Raynger

Chad, Matthew & Cody

Gavin fast asleep

Chase & Lesa


 We decided to exchange our money while waiting for everyone's luggage.
After that we RAN to catch our train to York

I don't know if the boys cared or not but this station was built in
 the 1800's, it is what made York famous

 From here the boys went with their host families for a little rest
before we head off at 5pm to have some pizza.
Emily (Chads mom) praying we make it to the B&B alive
first car ride with a first time american driver

Marco's sweet ride

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