Dear Local Companies
We are the Aggie FC u 13 boys’ soccer team, and we are writing this letter to tell you about a wonderful opportunity that has been presented to our soccer team, the Aggies FC U13 team here in Cache Valley. This past summer, we were recognized by a group visiting from England and as a result have been given the chance to travel to England to receive specialized soccer training and have an experience of a lifetime. Arrangements have been made for us to travel there this coming June. The total cost of the trip for the entire team is $85,000. However, we have been able to secure $62,000 already through a combination of a Grant and from the British Group, i2i, as well as money we have earned so far ourselves. We are so close to achieving our goal to be able to ensure every player on our team that wants to attend, can attend. This letter is to ask for your help in making this happen for our team.
As our team thought about what we could do to raise the remaining balance, we came up with an idea to spotlight the local businesses that we love and support. We know that Cache Valley has wonderful local businesses that are very generous and would be supportive in helping our team make this amazing opportunity happen.
We will be producing T-shirts for the team to wear as we travel to and from England, as well as wear around the community here in Cache Valley. On the T-shirts we will print the logo of each business that helped to sponsor our team. Of Course any donation would be greatly appreciated, but we hope to collect at least $200 per business logo printed. We will also be submitting a newspaper write up and photo to the Herald Journal when we return. We will be sure to include a HUGE thank you to all the businesses that were willing to help sponsor us and include each business name individually.
If you are interested in helping us make this happen, please send your donation, payable to Aggies FC, to the address below, along with your contact information, so that we can get in touch with you to make arrangements to get your logo for the T-shirts.
Also if you have any additional questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact my coach, Dan Cox at 435-512-2083.
Thank you for your consideration!!!
Aggies FC Team
Aggies FC U13 Soccer Team
2975 North 1200 East
North Logan, UT 84341
PS. If you would like to watch us in action, you can see us on YouTube at: Aggies FC’99 2011.
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